What is so special about this insurance?
We are the first company in the world to market our motorsport and track day insurance services on-line. We are able to keep the cost of these products low and so help keep circuit events affordable. The more who take advantage of this the more we can help keep premiums low and competitive. It also means we can bring an easy benefit to you.

So how can we benefit from this?
Simple, we just want you to tell people about our great on-line services and in return we give you £10 every time a sale is generated.

What's the catch?
There isn't one. The only proviso is that only ten of your customers / members need to buy from us (by 31st December each year) before we can start crediting your account. This is simply so we can cover our administration costs which include accounting and making payments to you twice a year and our twice yearly reporting to the FCA.

Does it cost us anything to become an affiliate member?
No. There are no up front costs to you at all and we will set your account up for free.

How will you know if an individual is a member of our Club?
Every time someone uses our site to buy an insurance they have to state which club they are a member of. Once your club is registered with us our automated system will do the rest.

Will you offer discounts to our members?
It is difficult to automatically build in discounts for club members across the full range of products. We have tried hard to ensure our premiums are competitive anyway. Certainly if you have a reasonable size collective who all want a discount on any one of the products we are happy to discuss separately with insurers on behalf of your members. (Min no. 20)

What do we have to do?
All you have to do is REGISTER. Unless your website is one of those naughty sites, we will then formally "approve" you. We send you a completed Affiliate Agreement and confirm your account is set up. You will then have access to an assortment of over 90 different banners ads. These vary depending on product type, the size (we have six standard sizes) and whether you prefer a static of flashing banner. All you need to do is copy the html code and paste where you see fit on your website. That's it!

Does our advertising income depend on club members only linking to your site via our website?
For club and organiser affiliates we do require that there is a link from your site to ours. However we will pay affiliate commission whether they have linked to MORIS through your site or not. For All Other Affiliates, the only way we can track that the introduction has come from you is for the link to be used from your site.

How can we monitor the success of our membership? That's easy. Once you have been approved as an Affiliate you will be able to LOG-IN and monitor for yourself the progress being made and view a running total of the number of policies. Under the Data Protection laws we are not allowed to provide details of the policies or who has bought what, but this is unimportant to you since we are paying the same £5 per policy anyway.

How often can we expect to receive our advertising income? Payments to Affiliate Clubs will be made twice a year, based on bonuses due at 30th June and 31st December. We will provide a simple summary of the number of policies each month and post a cheque to you within 30 days of each accounting period.

Are the payments guaranteed?
Yes. Even if someone buys something from us and then cancels the policy afterwards, we will still pay you £5.

How can we make this work for us?
Just tell people about our amazing on-line services using your own website and newsletters etc.

Do we receive the same advertising income on all your insurance services?
Yes and the really great news is that later we are developing additional on-line services so there will be further benefit to be gained. The only areas we cannot offer anything is on our nominal cost "add on" policies that compliment our Trackday Insurance.

What happens if we don't generate any sales?
We are confident this will not be the case but in any event we will review this with you at the end of the year. It won't cost you anything to remain an affiliate and we will try and help you to make better use of your Affiliate programme.

What do we do next?
You need to complete our simple REGISTRATION FORM . Subject to formal approval (we check your site to make sure it does not contain anything naughty) we email your formal Affiliate Agreement. We will provide instructions as to how to log onto your account so you can monitor progress.

How soon can we expect to start earning?
Instantly! - or just as soon as you start displaying our links.